Introduction to GSM modems

The following document gives information on GSM modems. You will learn how they communicate with a PC and how can they be used to send and receive SMS messages. The document provides general information on GSM modem AT commands and software vendor specific information on how to use a GSM modem in Ozeki SMS Server.

What is a GSM modem?

The GSM modem is a specialized device that enables a device to send and receive data over the GSM network.

What do you need to send an SMS with a GSM modem?

To send an SMS with a GSM modem, you need the following:

  • A GSM modem (Ozeki 4G SMS Modem)
  • A SIM card

    You can buy a SIM card at a variety of places, including: Mobile phone operators, Supermarkets, Convenience stores, Online retailers, such as Amazon and eBay.

  • An antenna (optional) (If you buy an Ozeki 4G SMS Modem, the antenna is included in the package.)
  • An USB data cable (If you buy an Ozeki 4G SMS Modem, the USB data cable is included in the package.)
  • A PC/Notebook
  • Ozeki SMS Server software

How is a GSM modem connected to the PC?

A GSM modem is a device that allows a computer to communicate over a mobile network using a SIM card. There are different ways to connect a GSM modem to a PC, depending on the type of modem and the available ports on the computer.

Here are some common methods:

  • USB connection
  • Serial connection (old, nowadays no longer used by new devices)
  • Bluetooth connection(old, nowadays no longer used by new devices)

USB connection: Most modern GSM modems have a USB interface that can be plugged into any USB port on a PC, server, notebook, or laptop. This is the simplest and most convenient way to connect a GSM modem, as it does not require any special cables or drivers. (If you purchase an Ozeki 4G SMS Modem, the necessary USB data cable is included in the package.)

When connecting a GSM modem to a Windows PC via USB, the PC will automatically detect the modem and install the necessary drivers. Once the drivers are installed, the modem will appear in the Windows Device Manager as a new COM port. Then you can use this COM port to communicate with the modem using SMS Server software program.

When you connect a GSM modem to a PC via USB also has a number of other advantages. For example, USB modems typically offer faster data transfer speeds than serial modems. Additionally, USB modems are more portable than serial modems, as they do not require a separate power adapter to the modem device.

Using a USB cable to link a GSM modem to a PC is the best way to connect a GSM modem. It has high-speed data transfer, universal compatibility, and power delivery, making it superior to other connection methods.

What is the difference between 2G, 3G, 4G, and 5G GSM modems

2G is the first generation of GSM modems.

It was introduced in 1991 and was the first cellular network to offer voice calls and SMS. 2G modems have a maximum data speed of 14.4 kbps, which is very slow by today's standards. However, they were still a major improvement over the first analog cellular networks. 2G modems are still used in some parts of the world, but they are being phased out in favor of newer generations of GSM modems.

How long will 2G be supported?

Many mobile network providers have announced plans do not intend to offer 2G and 3G mobile networks after 2033 at the latest. The future of 2G and 3G networks is uncertain. The timeline for this transition varies by region and provider, but it is generally expected that 2G and 3G networks will be largely shut down by 2033. They announced plans to phase out these older generations of cellular networks in favor of newer, faster technologies like 4G and 5G.

If you are considering purchasing a new GSM modem, it is important to choose one with 4G support. This will ensure that you have access to the latest cellular technologies and can take advantage of the fastest data speeds possible. Ozeki offers a wide range of 4G GSM modems that are compatible with the latest networks and devices.

3G is the third generation of GSM modems

It was introduced in 2001 and offered significant improvements in data speeds over 2G. 3G modems have a maximum data speed of up to 2 Mbps, which is enough for web browsing, multimedia content, and other data-intensive applications. 3G modems are still widely used in many parts of the world.

How long will 3G be supported?

As we briefly mentioned earlier when discussing 2G technology, 3G is gradually being replaced by the more advanced 4G and 5G mobile networks. When investing in new modems, it is highly recommended that you opt for those that support these cutting-edge new technologies. Ozeki, a provider of GSM modems, offers a diverse range of 4G modems that will keep you connected to mobile networks.

4G is the fourth generation of GSM modems

It was introduced in 2008 and again offered significant improvements in data speeds over 3G. 4G modems have a maximum data speed of up to 100 Mbps, which is fast enough for high-definition video streaming, mobile gaming, and cloud computing. 4G modems are becoming increasingly popular, and they are now the most widely used type of GSM modem in the world.

5G is the fifth generation of GSM modems

It was introduced in 2019 and offers the fastest data speeds of any GSM modem. 5G modems have a maximum data speed of up to 20 Gbps (sub-6 GHz) and 100 Gbps (millimeter wave), which is fast enough for ultra-high-speed Internet access, virtual reality, augmented reality, and autonomous vehicles. 5G modems are still relatively new, but they are rapidly becoming available in more and more places.

How do you see a GSM modem in Windows device manager

How do you configure a GSM modem in Ozeki SMS Server?

How does Ozeki SMS Server communicate with a GSM modem

(Sends and receive AT commmands, example screenshot low level communication)

What is a modem AT command

AT commands instruct the modem during the PC-modem connection.

What is the difference between SMS text mode and SMS PDU mode

How to set a GSM modem to operate in text mode

(AT+CMGF=1, ide kell konkrét példa a kiküldött AT parancsról és a válaszról)

How to send an SMS message in text mode?

(AT+CMGS="+36201234567", ide kell konkrét példa a kiküldött AT parancsról és a válaszról)

How to receive an SMS message in text mode?

(AT+CMGL="0", ide kell konkrét példa a kiküldött AT parancsról és a válaszról)

What is an SMS PDU?

How to set a GSM modem to operate in PDU mode

(AT+CMGF=0, ide kell konkrét példa a kiküldött AT parancsról és a válaszról)

How do you send an SMS in PDU mode

(AT+CMGS="26", ide kell konkrét példa a kiküldött AT parancsról és a válaszról)

How to receive an SMS in PDU mode

(AT+CMGL="0", ide kell konkrét példa a kiküldött AT parancsról és a válaszról)