Discovering the Local IP Address of Your Ozeki Chat Server

Knowing the local IP address is essential for improving the configuration and the overall connectivity of your on-premises Ozeki Chat Server installation. Understanding how to determine the local IP address of your server is a fundamental skill for effective network management and troubleshooting. In this lecture, we'll explore this topic on three different operating systems: Windows, Mac, and Linux.

1. Find out the Local IP Address on Windows

For users managing their Ozeki Chat Server installation on Windows operating systems, discovering the local IP address is essential for seamless communication within the local network. This guide walks you through the step-by-step process of determining your server's local IP address on Windows 11. From accessing the Command Prompt to utilizing graphical user interfaces, you'll learn multiple methods to unveil this crucial piece of information.

Find out the local IP address of Ozeki Chat Server running on a Windows computer

2. Find out the Local IP Address on Mac

If you're managing your Ozeki Chat Server installation on a Mac environment, the following guide is tailored specifically to unveil the local IP address of your server. Explore intuitive methods designed for macOS environments, ranging from system preferences to terminal commands.

Find out the local IP address of Ozeki Chat Server running on a Mac

3. Find out the Local IP Address on Linux

For enthusiasts and professionals managing their Ozeki Chat Server installation on Linux systems, uncovering the server's local IP address is paramount for efficient network management. This guide provides comprehensive instructions, catering to the Ubuntu Linux distribution. It shows you how to fund out the local IP address using a command shell command.

Find out the local IP address of Ozeki Chat Server running on Linux

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