OPS make_call

You could make a call with the aid of the make_call instance method.

def make_call dialed, url=nil, error_url=nil, caller_id=nil, caller_displayed_name=nil

Code example 1 - Definition

Method parameters

Parameter name Value Description Default value Mandatory
dialed string value
e.g. '1469'
The Ozeki Phone System API extension phone number. (None) Yes
http_api_service_port int value
e.g. 7780
The Ozeki Phone System HTTP API service listener port. 7780 No
url string value
e.g. '1469'
The PBX will send a request to this URL, when the call is connected, and awaits a response containing an OzML. Empty string No
error_url string value
e.g. '1469'
This URL will be requested if any errors occur during the call. Empty string No
caller_id string value
e.g. '1469'
Caller identifier. Empty string No
caller_displayed_name string value
e.g. '1469'
Displayed name. caller_id No


ops = OPS.new '', nil, '9999', 'admin', 'password'
puts ops.make_call '2000', nil, nil, nil, 'Rudolf'

Code example 2 - Make a call with instance method

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