forward(target) method

If a call object is added to the program, this method can run on it. It is used to forward a call. It works only in ringing state. The caller party is forwarded to another phone. The target phone is given as a parameter, for example forward("2000").


target: Type: string. The target phone number. e.g. "2000"

Possible Exceptions:
Will throw an exception if the target was not specified.

Method usage example

In this example we will show you how to forward an incoming call if you are busy. To do this, you need to register first to the onIncomingCall event. This is to make sure your webclient knows when it gets an incoming call. If your webclient receives a call then the incoming function is called. In that function you can forward the incoming call to another number (2000) (Code example 1).

OzWebClient.onIncomingCall(incoming); //registers to the onIncomingCall event

function incoming(incomingCall) {
   //forwards the incoming call to 2000
Code example 1 - forward(target) method example

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